We are happy to introduce the new Web-hook functionality in the Triggers & Actions. Depending of web-hook setup, Effective Tours will send a JSON payload to the url provided. You can fire up the web-hook for new reservations and cancellations, before and after the check-ins and check-outs. Since now you . . . Read more
I bet you already read a lot about channels managers for the hotels. The impact of the channel managers is hard to overestimate, it’s definitely worth a try one of them. I’m sure that within few months you will realise that your sales are boosted and you have much more . . . Read more

Setting up a new service is always hard, that’s why our CEO, Alex Novikovs decide to record a learning videos by himself, how to set up the Effective Tours from scratch, step by step. Tutorial #1 – Register and Initial Set-Up Tutorial #2 – Setting Up rates & Discounts Tutorial . . . Read more
Are you tired to fill in Guests Reservation cards ? Then we have a good news for you, starting from today, we will start geretaing for you Guests Resrvation Cards. The card automatically creadted on each new booking. In case of any amendments, it will be updated within few minutes. . . . Read more
AirBnb is a quite popular OTA for many hoteliers. Many of you, prefer starting from AirBnb due to its easier interface and no strict requirements. We are happy to announce, that starting from July, two way inventory integration with AirBnB is available in real-time for everybody. . . . Read more
We are proud to say, that we are fully certified partner of Expedia Network! By adding the Expedia as a valuable partner, we open for all our clients the opportunity to be published at Expedia, Hotels.com, Homeaway and hundreds of business partners of Expedia networks. And as always, we provide . . . Read more
Effective Tour has a powerful feature of working with offline travel agents, in a way very similar to an OTA. As you might know, you can connect any agent and provide them separate rates and gives full access to your rates and inventory. To make this cooperation more similar to . . . Read more

All hoteliers are dreaming about the 100% occupancy. And we definitely wishing you that. But managing the rooms allocation in this cases became quite complicated. Each new booking, increase the chance of creating a new gaps between the previous and the new booking. As a result, when you are nearly . . . Read more
We just released a new plug-in for the ET, which you can request from us to activate, it’s called Auto Email/Triggers . It allows you to send automated email to the guests depending on the events like new Booking, Cancellations, Amendments, Check-in and Check-out. This feature is a real must-have . . . Read more
Not quite often, but sometimes you need to amend the existing booking from the OTA without notifying the guests. So let’s say you need to close the room for the urgent repairing and the guest arrives in few days and there is no more rooms available in this category. In . . . Read more